Plaza de las Naciones Unidas 2 1 D E S E P T I E M B R E 2 0 0 8 “ M A N I F I E S T A T U P A Z ”
Celebración del Día Internacional de la Paz en la Plaza de la Naciones Unidas. Av. Figueroa Alcorta y Austria. Minuto de Silencio.
Designación de las Embajadas de Paz 2008. Entrega de la Bandera de la Paz a cada Embajador. Manifiesta tu PAZ: se agregan más trabajos recibidos de todo el país. Eventos artísticos. (Detailed program is still being finalized).
In Argentina, there will be a number of activities around “Peace Day”. Many of them will be hosted by “Mil Milenios de PAZ” (meaning “A thousand millennia of Peace”): the “Youth Assembly” which comprises several activities around it. “Mil Banderas para Mil Escuelas”, jointly by “Fundacion PEA” and “Mil Milenios de PAZ”. All of them also framed by the “Consejo de PAZ” (Peace Councill) which is a council within the Argentinean Foreign Ministery, a space they open for the NGO’s and the civil society in general. Both “Mil Milenios de PAZ” and “Fundacion PEA” are members and co-founders of the Peace Councill.
Many NGOs will work co-operatively to organize and co-ordinate the activities which will be a big Peace Day celebration. Main Activities are based upon the following events:
1- Asamblea Parlamentaria de Jóvenes (Youth Parlamentary Assembly) – a project created by “Mil Milenios de PAZ” and supported by most of the member organizations of the Peace Councill. The Youth Assembly starts a few days before the International Day of Peace and ends with the Celebration. In the process, a manifest is created and voted by all “Young Senators” in relationship with the motto of the year. This time is “Youth, Justice and Peace”. Previous years Manifestos can be accessed in the web page www.milmilenios.org.ar
2- Mil Banderas para Mil Escuelas, Organizaciones, Personalidades (A thounsand Banners –of Peace- for a thousand Schools, organizations and individuals) – a joint project by Mil Milenios de PAZ and Fundacion PEA, to create “Ambassadors of Peace” (students, teachers, and any individual willing to commit themselves to Peace) and “Embassies of Peace” (Institutions willing to commit themselves and to support the Ambassadors in the tasks of building a Culture of Peace). Details of the project can be found in the site www.fundacionpea.org
3- Manifiesta tu Paz (Manifest your Peace): is an invitation to create “Great Argentiean Banner of Peace” based on drawings made by students from all over the country and put together as a big banner. It started in 2005 and more pieces are added every year till the end of the decade of the Culture of Peace in 2010. So far, the banner has more than 200 meters long… and keeps growing!!!
4- Peace Day Celebration: one minute of silence for World Peace, establishment of Embassies and Ambassadors of Peace with the Banner of PEACE (created by Nicholas Roerich and establish by the treaty signed in Washington DC in 1935), the addition of new pieces to the “Great Argentiean Banner of Peace” (Manifiesta tu Paz) and a lot of Art shows with music, circle dances, choruses, and the Spirit of Peace flowing and being experienced by everyone present.
Some more details on each element described above:
Asamblea Parlamentaria de Jovenes
Mil Banderas para Mil Escuelas, Organizaciones, Personalidades
The commitment will be signed at the end of the Youth Assembly and the commitment will be sealed in the Peace Day celebration, when the Banner will be given to all Ambassadors of Peace.
Compromiso que todos asumen
Difundir , promover, colaborar y organizar o participar cada año en la celebración del Día Internacional de la Paz.
Contribuir con la construcción de la Cultura de PAZ y NO VIOLENCIA para todos los niños del mundo, en el marco del acuerdo firmado con UNESCO.
Participar en la red de comunicación de Mil Milenios de Paz, cuyo objetivo es lograr la unidad en la diversidad a través del intercambio de información y formación en la temática de la PAZ.
Tener pensamientos positivos.
Usar palabras armoniosas.
Realizar acciones constructivas.
Y utilizar la Bandera de la PAZ en actos y festejos, como símbolo de unidad e integración.
Todos los embajadores aceptan pronunciando las siguientes palabras:
“Luego de conocer y acordar con el compromiso y responsabilidad que significa recibir la Bandera de la Paz de Nicolás Roerich, acepto y me comprometo ante Mí y la Comunidad a: “SER” Embajador de Paz".
Some background on the foundations of the project:
Para un
Mundo Mejor. Un Ser Humano